Finding and retaining an attorney who meets your legal needs is an important decision. At O’Bryan & O’Bryan, a Louisville, Kentucky law firm, our attorneys have been meeting clients’ needs since 1965.
4710 Dixie Highway
Louisville, KY 40216
(1 mile South of the Watterson Expressway.)
Guardians Cannot File for Divorce of Their Ward in KY
/in Family Law /by O'Bryan and O'Bryan LawToday the Kentucky Court of Appeals issued a ruling affirming the Taylor County Court’s decision where a gentleman tried to file a Divorce against his wife. Riehle vs. Reihle 2014-CA-000372 The Taylor County court denied the husband’s right to file because he had been declared incompetent and his wife (the one he wants to divorce!) […]
LBA Judicial Evaluations Released
/in Louisville Law, O'Bryan & O'Bryan /by O'Bryan and O'Bryan LawThe Louisville Bar Association Released the 2015 Judicial Evaluations by members of the bar today. Click here. LBA attorneys were invited to rate the performance of Jefferson County Circuit and Family Court judges with whom they have had substantial professional contact over the past two years. All Circuit Court judges received a “Does a good […]